moking remains the leading cause of
premature and preventable deaths in
the UK. And while smoking rates are
decreasing, one in eight people in
the UK still smokes, according to Action on
Smoking and Health (ASH).
Given tobacco’s health risks, helping smok-
ers quit is a key priority, with stopping tobacco
use completely, without alternatives, the
best option for health. However, as the recent
No Smoking Day (12 March) reminded us,
quitting is a major challenge for many. Hence
why recognising vapes as a valuable harm
reduction tool and a less harmful alternative
to smoking is important.
Unlike smoking, where tobacco is burnt,
vaping heats nicotine-containing liquid,
significantly reducing the risk of smoking-re-
lated illnesses. While most harmful chemicals
in cigarettes are absent in vapes, it must be
acknowledged that vaping is not entirely risk-
free, contains nicotine that is addictive and
is solely intended for adults seeking support
in moving away from tobacco as part of their
quit journey. As such, fostering education and
awareness about vaping is pivotal in empow-
ering adult smokers to make the transition
based on an informed choice.
Vaping as a harm reduction tool
For those struggling to quit smoking, vaping
has emerged as one of the most efective and
popular tools to aid eforts. According to ASH,
nearly three million people in Britain have
successfully stopped smoking using vapes
over the past five years – with many adults
relying on single-use vapes, as outlined in a
study funded by Cancer Research UK. Given
this, the availability of viable alternatives
following the single-use vape ban is impera-
tive to ensure smokers get continued support.
Without accessible options, there is a real risk
of smokers relapsing, undermining the UK’s
smokefree ambitions.
Addressing common
Misinformation remains a significant barrier
to smokers adopting vaping, despite credible
Addressing misconceptions, supporting
smoking cessation, and the importance of
flavours – Angelo Yang, Associate General
Manager at ELFBAR UK, explains why
vaping is the way to go if we really want
to abandon tobacco
assessments from leading health organisa-
tions, including the UK’s Ofce for Health
Improvement and Disparities and the Royal
College of Physicians (RCP), stating that
vaping is significantly less harmful than
Yet misconceptions persist. The NHS, ASH
and a UCL study all identify that many peo-
ple, including smokers, still wrongly believe
vaping is as or more harmful than smoking.
Similarly, a recent ELFBAR survey found that
42 per cent of current UK smokers mistak-
enly hold this view1.
With this in mind, addressing misconcep-
tions about vaping and highlighting its vital
role in helping adults quit smoking is essen-
tial – especially as the upcoming single-use
vapes ban is liable to cause further confusion.
Supporting smokers through
the single-use vape ban
Fortunately, early signs indicate that cus-
tomer purchasing habits are already chang-
ing ahead of the ban, which takes efect from
1 June.
Sales data from Circana shows a gradual
shift from single-use vapes to reusable
devices, particularly prefilled pod kits. While
positive and suggestive that retailers and
adult vapers are preparing for the transition,
the ELFBAR survey reveals almost one in
ten adult single-use vapers remain unaware
of the ban2. This shows more work is needed
to ensure all adult vapers understand the
changes and their options.
Encouragingly, the survey also found
that most adult vapers are aware and already
using or planning to use reusable alterna-
tives. However, the survey also highlights
that nearly one in four (23 per cent) would
turn to buying illicit single-use vapes in
response to the ban, while another one in
four would return to smoking. The Depart-
ment for Environment, Food & Rural Afairs
impact assessment on the ban raises similar
concerns, warning there could be ‘health
disbenefits’ with 29 per cent of vapers revert-
ing or relapsing to cigarettes. This presents a
significant challenge for responsible retailers
and the government’s smoke-
free target.
Illicit vapes are already a
growing concern, account-
ing for at least a third of sales,
harming legitimate retailers.
In addition to the potential
health implications if adult
vapers return to smoking,
there’s also the financial
impact for retailers as vapes
are four times more profitable
than cigarettes according to a
University of Edinburgh study. Consequent-
ly, retailers should educate staf and custom-
ers about reusable alternatives that ofer
similar convenience and flavour experience
to single-use vapes while highlighting the
risks of illicit and counterfeit products. By
doing so, retailers can protect their business
interests and customers.
The importance of flavours
Flavours play a key role in adult smokers
switching to vaping, as noted by the RCP.
This makes it crucial for retailers to stock a
variety of pod and e-liquid flavours.
As the single-use ban approaches, retailers
should focus on understanding the flavours
and vaping products most popular with
adults trying to quit smoking and tailor their
range accordingly. By meeting customer
preferences, retailers can help smokers stay
smokefree and contribute to reducing smok-
ing rates.
Moving forward
Vaping has played a pivotal role in helping mil-
lions of people quit smoking. As the UK transi-
tions to a post-single-use vape landscape, this
shift provides an opportunity to reinforce
harm reduction eforts through education and
access to compliant alternatives.
ELFBAR and LOST MARY are continu-
ing to build on their portfolio of reusable
alternatives, first established in the market
before the single-use ban was announced.
These products are designed to capture the
ease of use, convenience and flavour experi-
ence – complemented by a wide variety of
flavour options – that made their single-use
predecessors popular with adults looking to
quit smoking.
By addressing misconceptions, guiding
customers towards reusable devices, and
ofering a variety of flavours, retailers can
mitigate the impact of the single-use vape
ban and play a part in helping the UK achieve
a smokefree future.
1 ELFBAR survey Dec 2024 (over 6,000 UK adult vapers
and smokers surveyed, conducted by Opinium)
2 ibid.
Let’s talk about vaping like grown-ups