AT 960

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Almost a third of online

deliveries from big supermar-

kets such as Tesco and Aldi

included a swapped item, many

of which were deemed as

“completely inappropriate” by

shoppers, shows a recent poll.

According to Which? 29% of

online grocery shoppers

received a substitution, some

receiving unexpected replace-

ments like fish steaks instead of

cupcakes, and sanitary towels in

place of sandwich wraps, from


Asda ranks as worst, with

almost half of Asda shoppers

receiving a replacement

product such as bananas instead

of pizza, or a roasting tin in place

of roast potatoes.

Up to one third (32%) of

Sainsbury’s customers found a

substitution in their latest shop,

and among the more bizarre

examples were beef dog treats

instead of beef steaks and leeks

instead of flowers.

Unlike most independent

convenience stores who try to

reach out to the shopper before

making a swap, supermarkets

tend to consider computer-gen-

erated options based on factors

such as brand similarity, the

price and availability.

Supermarkets under fire over

‘inappropriate’ order substitution

Unintended consequences

ince we mentioned inflation in the previous issue it’s

been all tarif-talk, as President Trump has unleashed

his economic warfare on friend and foe alike – convert-

ing any remaining friends of the USA into foes practically

overnight and potentially stoking ... higher prices.

Similarly, the USA has decided that Europe and democra-

cy in general is not worth the bother and might instead

throw in its lot with the Dictators Club, walking away from

Europe and soon taking its weapons and troops (and trade)

with it.

What all this will mean for the UK economy is hard to tell

so far, although many voices are being raised that predict

good outcomes for a Europe that will be forced to wake up,

man-up, re-industrialise and begin to learn how to survive

without Daddy Warbucks guaranteeing everything.

Goosing Euro economies by placing them on a semi

war-footing (increasing defence spend and growing the

armaments industries) could prove a shot in the arm.

For retail, however, tarifs are described as a tax on the

consumer, who will be forced to pay more (by the amount of

the tarif, plus admin fees and so on), not just for whatever is

imported directly but for almost everything else as well,

because home-produced goods also contain foreign inputs

and ingredients whose price has gone up. You might raise

your veg domestically but import the potash that helps it

grow, for example.

Of course, the point of this antidote – or kryptonite – to

free-trade is that it hurts the foreign competitor even more,

and persuades it to cease its bad behaviour. In the USA this is

(among other gripes) China pouring fentanyl over the

Mexican and Canadian borders to the extent that it is killing

70,000 Americans a year.

Meanwhile the tarif-targeted countries naturally

retaliate by imposing restrictions on their own imports,

hurting the exports of the USA or whatever country fired the

first shot in the trade war. An image to keep in mind is of two

men with their hands around each other’s throats: who will

pass out first?

Meanwhile, the new financial year hurtles towards us

and with it the Reeves revolution of cost increases – NI

hikes, minimum wage becoming maximum cash, business

rates up (did one person just say theirs was to increase by

140%?), plus the vape ban and more time-consuming and

costly recycling rules being imposed.

Coming on top of economic crunches and uncertainty

caused by military conflict and trade war, it is certainly time

to batten down the hatches, because it looks as if this will be

a real typhoon to navigate – so keep your prow pointed into

the waves as they come: don’t try to turn away, but head into

the storm to come through it the other side.

This means selling the right stuf – capitalising on food to

go (see the feature in this issue), taking full advantage of all

the ever-cheaper tech now available to the smaller retailer,

and beating the multiples at their own game – being respon-

sive where they are clumsy – especially with delivery.

In response to reports that

rolling tobacco is now more

valuable per gram than

precious metals such as silver,

Imperial Brands is encourag-

ing retailers to ask their local

MP to rethink excessive

levels of excise applied to

tobacco products to avoid an

upsurge in crime and abuse

against retailers.

Last November’s budget

applied a Recommended Price

Index (RPI) + 12% excise rate on

hand-rolling tobacco products

in the UK.

The UK now has the highest

excise duty in Europe – six

times higher than in Spain, and

five times higher than in


Andrew Malm, UK Market

Manager for Imperial Brands,

said, “We now have a situation

whereby hand rolling tobacco

is more valuable per gram than

silver, making local retailers

and convenience store owners

in the UK as much of a target to

thieves as jewellery stores.

“Not only does this taxation

drive UK consumer spending

elsewhere – as, for example, a

30g pouch of rolling tobacco is

now four times more expen-

sive in the UK compared to

Spain – but it also contributes

to the issue of retail crime and

illicit trade.

Malm’s plea comes weeks

after a report stated that the

cost of tobacco has turned

convenience stores into

targets for organised crime, as

it is now worth more than

silver per gram.

Successive tax hikes on

rolling tobacco means that a

50g pouch of Amber Leaf now

costs 87p a gram – compared to

83p for silver.

It has encouraged gangs to

target not only stores but also

delivery vans.

RYO tobacco is now ‘more expensive than silver’

Imperial condemns

Imperial condemns

tobacco excise levels

tobacco excise levels

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